
Debate as Old as Time: Beauty and the Anthropocene

Have you ever read that story about the little blonde girl who breaks into a random house in the woods, tries out all the furniture and food, and decides, "This place could use some renovating"? However, all of her renovations make the home uninhabitable for her and the family of bears that legally own the place. There's a very subtle moral to that story, and humans could really learn a thing or two from it. If it ain't broke, don't break it!  Get in, loser, we're going to learn about the Anthropocene That's right, Mr Bear in a Taxi, today we're talking about the Anthropocene - the Age of Man - and, specifically, how it all began. And, as the title of this blog suggests, it's a contentious issue. There are many possible events that might mark the beginning of the Anthropocene - the most popular being the Industrial Revolution following World War 2 - but there are a few fascinating alternatives that I want to explore today - such as the impact of t...